0. Machine setup

0. Machine setup #

If you already have a machine to use for this tutorial simply verify it fulfills the hardware requirements. Specifically ensure that the CPU supports SSE4.2 instructions and that there is 16GB memory available.

For optimal operation of Connect iT, it’s crucial to run each component on separate instances. These instances can be either physical machines or virtual machines (VMs). However, for the purposes of this tutorial and to simplify the setup, it’s possible to run all components on a single instance. Please be aware that if all components are run on a single instance, thumbnailing will not function due to port 80 being occupied by the core component. Therefore, even for experimentation, we suggest running the core component on a separate instance.

In a production environment, always ensure that each Connect iT component is running on a separate instance. Running multiple components on the same instance is not recommended.

Connectivity #

Connect iT core needs to be accessible from the public internet. Specifically TCP ports 80 and 443 need to be open, without which the Connect iT installation will not work.

Connect iT core also needs to be able to access Connect iT thumb appliances on TCP port 80.

Connect iT video appliances communicate with other appliances over UDP ports 20000-21000 and thus UDP packets to and from that port range needs to be allowed between appliances.