6. Streaming video

6. Streaming video through Connect iT #

We now have all the components in place to be able to stream video through Connect iT.

In this section we will configure a generator Input on our Edge Connect appliance. A generator Input is a simple test signal that is perfect for our use case. We will then set up an SRT listener Output on the video node. This will allow an ordinary client, such as your computer, to connect to the video node and receive the test stream.

6.1 Creating a generator Input #

Start by going to the Inputs page and press CREATE INPUT in the top right corner.

Metadata #

For the Input name we can use simply Generator input, all other settings in the Metadata section can be left in their default configuration.

Generator Input metadata section

Input appliance #1 #

For input appliance select the Edge Connect appliance we created previously. We named it edge-connect-1.

For mode select generator, this will automatically change the interface to lo as it is not relevant for generators.

The rest of the fields describe the stream in question, for this tutorial we can leave the default values.

Generator Input appliance section

Press SAVE to create the Input.

After a little while (less than 1 minute) the Status of the Input should turn green and a thumbnail should appear.

Input list with generator input

6.2 Create an SRT listener Output #

The Output we create will use SRT with the listener connection mode. This will allow us to use a regular program such as VLC to watch the stream.

Create an Output by pressing CREATE OUTPUT under the Outputs page.

Metadata #

Like with the Input the Output name only matters for finding it. In this tutorial we can simply call it Test Output.


Output appliance #1 #

In general it is preferable to have Outputs on edge appliances such as an Edge Connect as it makes it easier to deal with upgrades and migrations. However in this tutorial we will use the video-1 Core Appliance as we have only configured one Edge Connect.

For the interface we want to select one with a public IP. Take note of the public IP as you will need it later when playing the test stream. If none of the interfaces listed has a public IP it means an address-mapping is missing or is misconfigured. See Fix public ip mapping alarm for detailed instructions.

Use Mode: srt and Connection mode: listener. You also need to specify the Local address, Local port and Whitelist CIDR blocks. The default suggestions work most of the time. The Local port needs to be opened so for this tutorial select 21006.

SRT Listener appliance section

Input #

Here you can select the Input you want to make available. To select the Generator Input we created press SWITCH INPUT and select that Input.

Now we are done, simply press SAVE to save the Output.

Generator Input selected under Input section

6.3 Playing the test stream #

Install VLC and open it.

Select Open Network Stream under Media and enter srt://<public-ip>:21006

VLC Open Media dialog

Press Play and watch your test stream!